Complete My Family is now Kolb Fertility: Australia—the premier source for gender selection services for Australians.
Meet Bradford Kolb, MD, FACOG
As a Medical Director and Managing Partner at HRC, Dr. Kolb is internationally known for his high rates of pregnancy success with IVF. His practice is also known for its personal, caring approach and the latest technologies in gender selection.
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How does gender selection work?
Preimplantation genetic screening (PGS), which is performed during the IVF procedure, also allows for gender selection or family balancing.
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What do other families say?
“Thank you so much for making our dreams come true. We finally had our baby girl and our family is now complete. Thank you, thank you”. — Eliza and Craig
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Get local support in Australia throughout your journey.
Having successfully completed their own family through gender selection with Dr. Kolb, Australian-based Graeme and his wife Hayley are now dedicated to helping other families navigate the entire process on both a practical and emotional level.
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